The Launching of Skjoldungen

You just need to dream big then you can come to Greenland and sail a Viking ship! A sentence that requires an explanation: during summer 2016, the Viking ship Skjoldungen, together with its crew of eight, will sail from southern Greenland up to Nuuk, along the coast where the Vikings had their primary settlements. The project has come to being thanks to equal parts passion, lust for adventure and determination. Normally, the Viking Ship Museums boats are all launched on the same day, but Skjoldungen was given permission to launch a few weeks earlier, so they had time for some sail-training before the ship begins its long transport to Greenland.

Skjoldungen 2016 [ENG]
Skuldelev 3: Looking back
Skuldelev 3: Looking back
Skjoldungen is on its way
Skjoldungen is on its way
The Launching of Skjoldungen
The Launching of Skjoldungen
Skjoldungen: Preparing for the journey
Skjoldungen: Preparing for the journey
Søsætning af Skjoldungen
Søsætning af Skjoldungen