2nd part of the film about the new-found wreck on the island of Falster
18-05-2018In the early spring, a historic shipwreck appeared on the sandy east-coast at the shore of the Danish island ?Falster?. The wreck was found in April after some days with strong winds and high waves that moved a lot of sand away from the area.
Viking Ship Museum´s marine archaeologists have previously studied the visible parts of the wreck, and returned in mid-May to the wreck site to take samples of the wreck, which among other things will determine how old the ship is and where it comes from.
To investigate the shipwreck, the experts used a wave breaker to ensure that the waves did not swirl the sand for a better view of the wreck.
The beach on Falster is known to have many wrecks as more than 400 ships went down in a single storm back in 1872. But the ship´s structure, however, could well indicate that there is a wreck that is older than this. Now we are waiting for the wood samples to reveal more about the age of the ship.
About the museum [ENG]Sejladser for gæster fra 1. maj til 30. september
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